Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Steaming hot...garbage

Okay, so I watched Valentine's Day for the first time, and wow, what a terrible movie.  I think it was supposed to be this year's He's Just Not That In to You.  However, it really missed the mark.  I think for starters there were too many characters.  I mean you have the old couple that have been together forever (Hector Elinzando (or however you spell it) and Shirley McLane), the florist (Ashton Kutcher), his fiance (Jessica Alba), and his best friend a teacher (Jennifer Garner), who just started dating a doctor (Patrick Dempsey), who is married.  We have two high school couples, one of which is played by the Taylors (no worries, we'll get to them).  The little boy who is grandson to the old couple, and who is babysat by one of the high school girls.  Wow, and that's only a partial list.  We still have Topher Grace who starts seeing a completely miscast Anne Hathaway.  We have Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, McSteamy from Grey's Anatomy, George Lopez, and what the heck, let's throw in some Queen Latifah to top it all off.

Now think about this, He's Just Not That In To You had about 9 people to care about.  Valentine's Day has so many people you don't really care about any of them.  And then there were so many miscasts.  Jessica Biel as the PR rep who is neurotic, while Anne Hathaway is the receptionist who also does 1-900 calls on the side, with horrible Russian and Southern accents.  Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Garner are best friends, somehow I just don't see that line up, maybe her and Bradley Cooper, or her and Patrick Dempsey, but I don't see Ashton for that role.

And the acting, even Shirley McLane had me giggling to myself.  I mean seriously, I think I giggled harder at this acting attempt then I did at all her talk of past lives and the what.  Then we have two wastes of space, the Taylors.  Lautner and Swift, who don't know.  Wow, I mean we knew he was bad, but she wasn't much better.  Part of me thinks it's his voice that makes him such a bad actor.  Like the way he sounds, his voice, all of it, just screams, hi I am a good looking kid who can't act.  It really felt like we could have cut them and the film would have moved along perhaps a little bit smoother.

The plot, for those wondering, is looking around the greater Los Angelas area and seeing how people celebrate Valentine's Day and what is going on in these particular characters' lives.  You get all the cliched storylines, no deep thoughts on this, and basically a whole lot of characters, with no depth to make you care.

Okay so no we must move onto The Real ousewives of Atlanta.  So Phaedra went into labor.  I love how she says the doctors have different theories about how the baby develops, and I love that Dwight is in on the whole thing.  I mean when even Kim Zolciak can break it down for you, and explain that actually it's a science, you know that you are heaping out garbage.  Babies take 40 weeks to develop.  And it was actually kind of refreshing to see that Kim actually did get her degree in nursing and knew what she was talking about.  It does give a glimmer of hope...probably not.

I mean we all know why Phaedra was lying, but at this point she's in her thirties.  I am not condoning a baby out of wedlock, but seriously, is her mom that much in denial, that she is also going to believe that by some miracle Phaedra's baby is fully developed at 7 months and they are going to induce?  I mean honestly, they got married, so what is there to be upset about?  You can't go back and change it, do you really need to live in denial? 

And then we have Sheree's doctor.  I love how upset he was getting because they were asking him questions.  I mean I get it, no one wants to be grilled, but what do you expect when you have scandals surrounding you?  I also love that he got his doctorate online?  Can you even do that?  I love what Kandi said, "Dr Kandi Buress, that has a nice ring to it."  I have the same thoughts.  Heck I can start working on a few more online degrees.  It's like getting ordained online, of course you can do it, but beyond performing a wedding ceremony, are you going to trust an online reverand to preach to you?

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