Monday, November 15, 2010

Customer Service, Where did you go?

Is anyone else wondering where customer service seems to have gone?  I know I am.  Let me be clear here, I totally get it from the other side.  I worked at Starbuck's and I am presently working for GAP.  I totally get when there is a pain in the butt customer you would rather just walk off from then help, but that isn't every customer.  And that doesn't mean I excuse being lazy or complacent with your job.  Every pain in the butt customer, as long as they didn't overstep their bounds, I gritted my teeth and did what needed to be done.  it also motivated me to move faster, the sooner I got them what they wanted, the sooner they were out of my hair.

So let's move to what happened today.  I am doing my usual run to the grocery store, and let me tell you, we needed it.  My mom gave me a delightful recipe (though as I recall, as a child I wasn't so fond of this recipe.  Hey it's low cal, you do what you gotta do.) of cornbread over ground turkey.  I was looking for the cornbread, and for the life of me could not find it.  I went to the baking section near the flour and cornmeal, but alas, no jiffy blue box was found.  So I thought, maybe I'll try near the cakes and breads.  Nope.  I found the Jiffy brownies, but no cornbread.  So I gave up, thinking when I get to the checkout I will ask them.

I step up to the check out lane, and the fun begins.  Apparently the lady in front of me and the clerk were best of friends and hadn't seen each other in years.  Don't get me wrong here, I am not against people chatting and catching up, however, when you are at work, I expect you to realize it and do what you're getting paid to do.  So I am loading my groceries, the lady is finished checking out, and they proceed to talk for another five minutes.  She doesn't even start to ring me up, and I need to finish unloading my cart.  It was so bad, the gentleman behind me decided to go to another check out.

Finally, she starts ringing me up.  As I am finishing unloading my cart I ask, "Do you carry cornbread mix here, I looked with all the baking supplies and couldn't find it."  Both the clerk and the bagger, who just waled up respond, "Oh yes, it's with the flour and cornmeal."  I then stated, "I checked there."  "Oh," they both say, "well that's where it would be."  Now mind you I am still unloading my cart.  "Would you like to go look?"  Yes that is what they asked me.  Would I like to go look?  Considering that I just told you that I did look and couldn't find it, no.  I want you to do your job, stop bagging my groceries, waddle your hind end back there.  You work here, you know exactly where it should be, you go find it.  I am not going to leave all my groceries, and my purse and everything else to go search for an item that I already spent 10 minutes looking for twice.  Are they not getting paid?  Did I misunderstand something? 

Now here me out, if it was just the bagger, I would not expect her to leave her post to go look.  I would expect her to get on her loud speaker and ask one of the many stockers to get it.  But since we had a bagger, that's what I expect her to do.  Don't get me wrong, I am not being lazy either, but since I already had difficulty, all I am wanting here is some help.  Too much to ask for?  Apparently.

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