Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm Dreaming of A White Christmas....as long as I have a garage!

So I love snow.  I've always loved snow.  It's just such a fun element.  As a kid I thought it was the best thing ever.  And why not?  You could turn it into weapons, craft it into caves and forts.  It can become a mode of transportation, and also be very beneficial to your health, when used for a workout.  All these reasons and more are why I love snow.  I mean it makes for great Ansel Adams pictures (not that I am equating my skills to his in any way).

You can imagine my exicement when I woke up Sunday morning, looked out the window and saw a beautiful blanket of pure white.  It was awesome, I was so excited I just had to wake Mark up from his dead sleep.  He told me he knew, that it had started snowing last night, I continued to pester him, apparently he wasn't getting that there was snow outside.

We made our way safely to and from church that morning.  We even stopped to pick up ice scrappers and de-icer.  All to be prepared.  We got in our sweats and had a joyous day, watching the snow come down outside.

Then Monday morning came and it was time for me to grow up.  It was as I was trying to get into my vehicle that I realized that snow is great in theory.  In reality it can be a HUGE pain in the butt.  It's wonderful when you don't have the responsibilities of work, or need to actually get somewhere.  It's awesome, basically if you have a garage.

Mark had been a sweetheart and went out and cleared all the snow and ice from my car, however, my locks and door were still frozen shut.  "No matter," I thought.  For we had bought de-icer.  I stuck the little hose in the locks and waited a few seconds (it is after all supposed to be instant de-icer) put my key in, and nothing happened.  So I tried again.  Still nothing.  Now I am getting concerned.  I live close to work, but it's 15 degrees out with a real feel of about -2.  There is no way I am going to walk and get to work on time.  So I start de-icing my door as best as possible, and squirting more de-icer in the lock. 

In a panic I call Mark at work, he doesn't pick up.  Now I really am screwed.  I leave him a frantic message.  Cursing at the voicemail lady who takes way to long to give directions for something I know how to do.  Finally, I decide to give it one more go.  With all my might I twist the key in the lock and it finally turns.  I then rip at the door to try to get it open.  I sit in my freezing car, and try to get it to start.  Finally after a long struggle, the engine just barely turns over.  I blast my defroster, and now we are in business.

As I made my way out of the neighborhood and down the street to work, I realized, if I had a garage, I would love snow as much as I did as a kid.  It would be a wonderous event everytime I saw flakes.  I might still be a little nervous when I got on the roadways, but the minute I pulled back into my garage, I would be so excited.  However, not having a garage has made me realize, that while I still love snow, we are not as close of friends as I once thought.  Snow is my cool friend, who every now and again gets a little nasty and turns on me.  I still want to be snow's friend because it's cool, but at the same time, I now very much distrust it.

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