Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Real Housewives

Okay, so I know that this show is sooo trashy at times, but for some reason I can't get enough of the drama.  And really after the episode I just saw it is time to finally blog about it.  So this season, thus far, has had quite the drama and goings on.  We got two new ladies, and well we still have Kim.

I have to say that Phaedra is really an interesting woman to me.  I think Cynthia called it when she said that Phaedra is her biggest cheerleader.  She keeps talking about how much a Southern Belle she is, and how she loves the classier things because of how she was raised.  She says it so much though, that it almost makes me wonder if it's true.  Like actually, your parents are pastors who raised you in a normal home, but because you have such a high profile job and are around all of these people, you feel the need to impress and let everyone know that you are Miss Manners and the like.

So I, for the most part, got over her constant ribbing of her husband growing up in a white home.  I do realize that there are probably differences, however I was raised in a white home and I would say I can appreciate the finer things.  Her talking about how her husband is used to canned food because of his white upbringing, are we sure this isn't from his prison days?  I mean last I checked the prisoners aren't eating Wulf Gang Puck in prison, though if we let the ACLU know that might have that changed quickly.  I mean my parents have always made nice wholesome food, and now I do the same.  I think that is probably more of a social upbringing then anything to do with color.

So her baby shower...can we really call it that?  150-200 guests that is insane, but great for the baby.  Think of everything that baby is going to have.  Though I do hope a few of them pulled together for some big ticket items, how many stuffed animals does a kid need?  Then she has ballerina's and everything else.  I am sure she appreciates the arts, but how about throwing that party at a different day.  I liked how all of the other ladies put it, sit down, open your presents, and eat some cake.  This doesn't need to look like your second wedding.  And the rhinestones on the eye.  I am all about bling and glitter and looking fabulous, but that was a bit much.  She has such beautiful eyes, do they really need to be bedazzled?

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