Friday, October 22, 2010

Gap Toothed Bride and Other News

So apparently Hillary Duff's tooth fell out three hours before her wedding, so she told Ellen DeGeneres.  Now I don't watch Ellen, so I don't know the whole story, just what People Magazine printed.  Does anyone else find this odd?  I mean what were you doing three hours before your wedding that your tooth fell out?  I mean you would either have to have rotting teeth, have hit it extremely hard, or pulled it out?

Onto the next rant, Lindsay Lohan.  Yes, we all need to say a prayer for that girl, but I almost think jail would have been good for her.  Why is she any better than any other junkie?  What the court really needs to do is get her clean and away from her destructive family and around people who actually care for her. 

OC Housewives news, Vicki split from Donn.  This seems so weird after the vow renewal.  I never like to see a marriage dissolve, but from the way the show painted it, Donn was last on Vickie's list.  Now my question is how long before he and Gena are dating?  Does anyone else remember how Gena seemed to think Donn was a catch??  Anyone else remember that?

Last: Kim Kardashian's $1 million birthday cake.  I mean really?  I was glad to hear she had nothing to do with it, and thought they should give her a cupcake and donate the rest.  But considering this girl just had a week of Birthday parties, shouldn't she have donated some of that money?  You know maybe I should start talking with Mark.  My birthday is a week apart from Valentine's day, maybe this is the perfect way to incorporate love and my birthday. We better call a planner.

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