Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When it rains, it pours.

So I am going to start this blog with a disclaimer.  I may just offend some of you, and I am kind of okay with it.  The way my day has been going so far, it's just one of those days.

So I really didn't sleep too well last night.  I don't know if I just took too long of an afternoon nap yesterday, or if my body is rebelling against me, but I just could not fall into a deep sleep.  So already I started my rather early morning, sleepy.  Then I get to work, and it just felt like everyone was angry about something.  The callers who called in where taking it out primarily on our producer Rose, but for those few calls I got, myself as well.

I was ready to get over it though.  It has finally cooled down, and I was set to go on my run.  I was going to swing home, get changed and take off before an afternoon meeting.  Well, I get to the house and Mark has accidentally chain locked the door.  I have no way to get in the house.  Some of you may well remember that the back door is a different lock and Mark has the only key.  Another major problem is that the 24 ounces of water are starting to add up, and I need to relieve myself so badly.

I call Mark and I can't get a hold of him.  I try his desk phone, I text his cell phone, then I call his cell phone, nothing is getting through.  So I decide to drive and get a coffee and use their facilities.  Well I ordered a chai and it was just disgusting.  More from my taste buds' stand point then anything they did.  I am still trying to be light hearted, so I drive to Mark's building, sit in the parking lot and try calling a couple more times.  I think I should go in and see if someone can get him.  There is no security guard and I can't remember what floor he is on.

So now I am getting super frustrated.  My day is at a complete stand still.  I can't get anything done, I desperately need to shower before I head to my meeting and I can't clean the house.  I decide to go to one of my favorite coffee places and get a latte while I wait.  When I walk in the cashier asks me how my day is going.  All I said was, "It's just one of those days that when it rains it pours."  I even chuckled a little.  She asked me what was going on and I explained I was locked out of my house the one day I really needed to get inside.  The man behind her looks at me and says, "Well at least you're not in Joplin, MO."  While I do agree with the sentiment, I was and still am very irked by his moral superiority here.  I looked at him and said with a smile, "Well of course, I'm sure we all our, but that doesn't help me get into my house."

Of course a little bit later Mark got a hold of me and I picked up the key.  I got to my meeting, had a great time with some Rose and Tim up at KCFV.  Things seemed to be turning around, and then I drove home, only to find that again I am locked out.  I gave Mark back his key at lunch time and I forgot my phone.  So I am thinking, seriously dude, twice in one day?  Luckily we had gone through all the windows I could crawl through on his lunch, so here I am breaking into my own home and thinking either he is REALLY tired today, or playing a not-so funny joke.  Well from a phone call later I found out, that actually the landlord stopped by to fix the closet and "locked" up.  But seriously, what are the odds?

So this takes me back to the man behind the counter's statement that honestly still really irks me.  I hate when people pull these statements out.  I can understand saying that if I were complaining and going on about how horrible things were (like I am here), but I was actually trying to make light of my situation.  I agree that we should all, everyday, remember how blessed we are.  We should be praising God for his generocity and the many blessings He has and will bestow on us.  However, I don't think tragedies mean I can't have a day where I just feel like everything is going against me.  It doesn't mean I am not allowed to feel a bit frustrated, or just a bit amazed at how everything seems to be going against me.

This isn't the first time someone has made these comments to me.  I feel like the intention isn't to remind you of the many blessings you have, but instead make you feel bad for feeling.  I am entitled to feel, now as a Christian, I do believe that I should respond apropriately with my feelings, but tragedies don't stop everyday life and they don't stop people from feeling.  It's all relative, and there are horrible things happening all over the world.  Based on this world view, no one in the US should ever have a bad day.  It's like someone who has experienced death saying that you should appreciate someone and not have conflict because they lost someone in their life.  Are they right?  In a sense.  We should always value each other, but that doesn't mean conflict isn't going to happen.  It is always how we respond to conflict. 

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