Friday, July 8, 2011

A PSA for Drivers

I'm not sure how many of us really remember, but pedestrians actually do have the right of way.  I have to say that since my family came to visit almost a month ago I have noticed a very disturbing trend here in St Louis, that this isn't actually the case.  I am sure some of you are shocked by this, but even if the little man indicates that I can safely cross the street, it's not necessarily true.  It's becoming a very disturbing trend, and this blog is very much a reminder to please pay attention because you might end up hitting me.

I cannot tell you how many times within the last few weeks I have had my like flash before my eyes and thought, well at least I know where I'm going.  My mom, my sister, Reagan and I were all on a walk and a man got ticked at us, inching his way forward to the cross walk impatiently making faces at us.  Luckily we had Terynn, who I thought might honestly start banging her fists on the hood of the car.  Or there was the girl a couple of days ago who decided to pull out of the school drive way, almost taking me out at the knees.  Luckily for her I sensed she wasn't paying attention and slowed my pace so she didn't hit me, but don't you worry I also made sure to yell in her convertable, "I'm glad to know pedestrians still have the right of way."  Or there was the guy not even twenty minutes ago making an unprotected left turn who, again, came inches from taking me out and even after I flashed by him in his window did not notice me.

So really this is my call to all of us to pay attention.  This is why they teach you to scan the roadway.  This is why you shouldn't be on your cell phone.  I shouldn't have to jump out of the way of a car while I am in a protected pedestrian zone and this is clearly happening far too often to be just a mistake.  It's a mistake that could be very costly next time around.

This PSA has been brought to you by Paige the Runner and Pedestrians of America.

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