Monday, April 25, 2011

Color Me Orange

Okay, so today I had a wonderful, odd moment that I think I could only have.  You see I went to make this amazing new recipe from Better Homes and Gardens (yes, I am that old lady who gets that magazine) and I ran into a bit of a predicament.  You see I don't like oranges, well really I shouldn't discriminate, I don't like citrus.  And it's not for a lack of trying.  Over the years I have tried my fair share of orange wedges, and I don't get why everyone finds these fruits to be SO AMAZING.  I find them squishy, slimy, and nasty.  They manage to always leave residue between my teeth, and then later I get heartburn.

So you might then be asking yourself, "Paige, if you hate this fruit so much, why are you cooking with it?"  Great question!  You see, I am always willing to set aside my hatred and try new recipes.  Besides, the orange would be cut up and mixed in with other ingredients, negating the texture and acidic issues.  As I went to add it into the recipe, I came to a very funny stop.  I don't know how to peel an orange.  I mean why know how to peel something, I will NEVER eat.  This logic had always held solid until today.  I had to actually call Mark into the kitchen to ask what to do.  I know this seems silly, but my fingers weren't getting under the peel (I almost called it the skin) and I was at a loss.

By the time Mark got into the kitchen (approximately 5 seconds later) I had already cut it in half and was trying to take the peel off that way.  (His pace was much to slow for me.)  He then explained to me that you just have to dig in, and you don't cut into it because then all the juice comes out.  This had not even occured to me.  The orange did eventually make it to the food processor, and dinner was a success!  I guess it's true, we do learn something new each day.

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