Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This is my time to shop...

Right now we are dealing with what could quite possible the worst storm the country has seen in decades!  Well I got the first news of its coming on Sunday, when a sweet elderly couple we just met warned us there was a blizzard warning and lots of ice expected.  It concerned me a tad, but I guess I just let it pass from my mind.

So Monday I woke up and went about my usual routine, had my coffee and fruit smoothie, watched a little tv, and then headed to the store by 9 o'clock.  So to save money these days, I shop at both Wal-Mart for all dry, boxed, canned, basically anything I don't worry about quality, and then I head to Schnuck's for all things I want fresh and as good as I can possibly get it.  When I pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot, it was pretty busy.  My usual front parking was taken and I had to park midway.  Usually I go at 9am on Monday because it is a sleepy time.  I can meander the aisles and shop with ease, and the store is practically mine.  It still hadn't occured to me what was going on.  I mean Wal-Mart wasn't crazy busy, but still this was more people than normal.

I got the supplies I needed and headed to self check out.  Now here we'll tangent off for a second so I can vent.  I am ringing myself up, something I do every Monday, and the weigher isn't picking up one of my items.  I took maybe five seconds and finally got the item to register.  Well at this point the help lady is sitting at her station and says with as much attitude as possible, "Maam, you need to push it back."  I turned and politely said, "I got it, it's working now."  Then with even more attitude (didn't know that it was possible), "She said maam if you just push it back it can weigh correctly."  I turned to her and did something I seldom do, I gave her some attitude right back.  I said, "Umm actually it's working now and I am just fine thank you."  Then I gave her my look of got it?  Oh she got it, she suddenly went quiet and left me alone.  If she isn't going to come over and actually see if she can help me, then she can sit there quietly.  I don't need her rudeness when I am just trying to check out.

Okay, so back on point.  So after loading my car I headed to Schnuck's.  Now when I pulled into Schnuck's parking lot, it was a mad house.  Everyone and their brother was shopping.  And of course, I got stuck behind the slowest driver while trying to find a space.  At one point, she had four other vehicles behind her. It took sometime to get out from behind middle aged woman driving like a granny, but I did eventually park.

I get into the store and all of my "portion control" carts are taken.  These are smaller and easier to manuever.  People are just swarming everywhere.  This is generally my time to relax and carefully choose products that best go with the week's meals.  Not this time.  Everyone was acting like I was so rude.  They would block an aisle and then get upset with me when I was trying to get around them.  It was complete chaos.  Then I get to the check out and there are 8 lines plus the self checkout, and all of them are so busy the lines are going up the aisles.  I waited for probably 45 minutes, with people still glaring when they didn't like that my cart was blocking the fancy feast.  Where was I supposed to go?  And then it dawned on me, all these people were stocking up for the big storm.  At this point I was a little peeved with all of them being peeved with me.  This is my time to shop.  I am not in their way, they are in my way!  I do this every Monday and 99% of them are not there shopping with me.  Again, it's why I chose that time.  It's peaceful and I don't have to fight my way through the aisles like a ravage beast on the hunt.

Finally, after enough time for my very green bananas to start ripening ( I am serious about this one, I think they turned a bit more yellow while I stood in line) I got out of the store, and managed to make my way home.  Just another St Louis, weather related adventure. 

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